When you look back to your wedding day, your marriage vows stand out as the most important part of the day.

“For Better or worse” “In sickness and in health” “For richer or poorer”

These words carry a significant value as they hold you accountable for the promises you made in front of God. They remind you that God made you two for each other and are supposed to stand by each other through the ups and downs of marriage.

You both are supposed to celebrate the triumphs and work through the rough patches. Your loyalty and commitment should be a priority and you both should hold yourselves responsible for your contribution to the relationship.

Every married couple goes through hardships. Life and marriage are not perfect and sometimes it throws tough situations at you.

The way you deal with these situations is unique as you and your partner work together to overcome the struggle. Your vows and promises to each other will remind you that throwing your hands up and ignoring the problem is not the solution.

Both of you need to put your heads together, find a way through and then learn from the situation. Your relationship will grow when you go through hardship and work your way out. You’ll know better in the future and will be able to navigate through even tougher problems.

Committing to a Plan

Problems like financial struggle, challenging children, moving, career shifts, and others can be very overwhelming. They can really put your relationship and your teamwork under stress.

Think of the problem as God testing your marriage and the relationship between you two. In order to pass it with flying colors, you both need to make a plan and commit to it. No test or hardship should have power over your relationship.

This is specifically important while dealing with hardships related to money or children. Financial struggle is one of the most common factors that cause friction between couples, often leading to separation. However, finding a plan and sticking to it will help you stay on track and make decisions that you both agree on.

The same goes for dealing with challenging children. Rearing a child is no easy task. Every person has their own way of looking at and dealing with certain situations. Meaning that, even you and your spouse can have different opinions.

Having a detailed conversation and finding a solution you both agree on is the right way to deal with the problem.

Overcoming hardships can put a strain on your relationship. If you and your spouse work together and remember your vows, you’ll find a way through and end up growing through your suffering.

If you find yourself facing a situation that is testing your relationship, you might need to refresh your marriage with some counseling. Texas Marriage Retreat is dedicated to offering couples a way to take a break from their daily life and have a few moments just with each other. The retreat also provides you with Christian marriage counseling, so you can resolve your issues according to God’s words.

You can contact Texas Marriage Retreat here to find out more details.